Tuesday, October 30, 2012

using after effects Slow-Mo Surfing Shot with a Canon 7D

using after effects Slow-Mo Surfing Shot with a Canon 7D

using after effects Slow-Mo Surfing Shot with a Canon 7D
To get the "super slow motion", after I filmed at 60fps, I through it into the program "After Effects". I used an effect that comes with the program called "Time Warp". This allowed me to make the 60fps, to 1000fps. The way this works is the computer processes/adds frames in between the frames that are already in existence. It took several days for the computer to process the clips into the super slow motion that appears as well, so it does take a lot out of the computer, as far as processing goes. Another similar program that does something similar to this slow motion effect, is a program called "Twixtor". It's another great program that is very similar, however you have to buy it as a separate plugin, and it is a little expensive, but if you do a lot of slow motion, it's totally worth it :)
The concept and the acting was cheesy and silly, but creating this video was 100% pure fun.
I decided to shoot the whole sequence in a 720P 60 fps mode, with the intent of slowing some parts down for true slow motion in the 24 fps edit line. I was a little concerned about the lack of sharpness compared to 1080p, but GH2 holds up very well — much better than T2i.
I inserted "Bill + Kathy" (dropzone and the airplane owners) at 00:13 in After Effects, for a little gag the locals might appreciate. Motion tracking with Mocha worked well, as usual. Photoshopped decal slipped a little during tracking, but you really had to look frame by frame.
I forgot about the 180 shuttle rule at 00:46, shooting it in 1/50 by accident instead of 1/125, resulting in undesirable motion artifact for some indoor shots. Freefall footage, however, shot in 1/200 shuttle speed, looked pretty good in slow motion, with the footage conformed from 60 to 24 fps.
For color grading, Magic Bullet Mojo was used for ground footage. It turned out a little dark, so lightened it a little using Colorista. For skydiving footage, Colorista was used, bringing up the shadows and giving a slight greenish tint. I added a little yellow to the midrange and a bit of red to lightend hilights.
As I use the GH2 more, I really could use for shallow DOF. I need to get a faster lens. For technical aspect of achieving slow motion
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Friday, October 26, 2012

after effects Merge Compositions to speed up rendering and previews

after effects Merge Compositions to speed up rendering and previews

after effects Merge Compositions to speed up rendering and previews
Combining two Adobe After Effects compositions into a single composition is helpful when you want to re-use a composition multiple times. Additionally, it is useful for applying complex changes to a group of compositions at once. Nesting is the process through which you combine compositions into a single composition, known as a nested composition or a precomposition. The entire set of compositions that are related to each other through nesting are known as the composition network.
Since switching to Premiere Pro, my editing workflow has been to lock picture in Premiere and then finish in After Effects. To date I've been using a workflow similar to the one I'd use when editing in Final Cut Pro, which was to import a final sequence into After Effects (either as an XML or by using Premiere Pro as an intermediary), and apply color correction, titling, and other effects in AE. While this approach gives a very high quality output, a problem rears its head if you want to make changes to the edit after "locking" picture. So what's the best workflow between Premiere and After Effects?
Once I change the coloring and add the final titles and effects, I find my picture lock often becomes unlocked. But now if I make changes to my edit in Premiere, they aren't reflected in AE, and so I find myself making edits in AE, which is far from ideal given the program's lack of real-time editing features (and editing tools like trim, slide, etc). And then if I need to revisit the edit in Premiere, I in fact have a newer edit in AE than I do in PPro. It's a version control nightmare. However, it's hard to beat from a price:quality perspective — this is the reason this workflow is spotlighted in Stu Maschwitz's DV Rebel's Guide. In theory, Adobe has designed Dynamic Link to solve this problem. But does it?
As far as I can tell, not really. Dynamic Link gives you two options, both of which are nice to have, but neither of which accomplishes what I'm looking for. The two options are: one, you can create an After Effects composition within Premiere Pro, and have that comp dynamically update in your Premiere sequence when you make changes in AE. The second option is to use Dynamic Link to open a Premiere project in After Effects, at which point you can import sequences and have them show up in AE — as a single object. There's no way to drill down to the individual clips to make changes unless you import a Premiere sequence, at which point I'm back in the same boat I was in before when using Final Cut (though it's worth noting that Premiere's integration is far more advanced, as most effects and transitions carry over flawlessly). While I'm happy to have the ability to open a Premiere Pro sequence in After Effects, one can't but wonder if the two programs could be combined in order to prevent this non-ideal workflow. As it is, once you go AE, it's hard to go back. At least, this is my understanding — am I missing something? Is all of this just confusing? Please share your experiences in the comments.
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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

after effects PSD as Composition

after effects PSD as Composition

after effects PSD as Composition 
Speeding up or slowing down an entire layer by the same factor throughout is known as time-stretching. When you time-stretch a layer, the audio and the original frames in the footage (and all keyframes that belong to the layer) are redistributed along the new duration. Use this command only when you want the layer and all layer keyframes to change to the new duration.
If you time-stretch a layer so that the resulting frame rate is very different from the original frame rate, the quality of motion within the layer may suffer. For best results when time-remapping a layer, use the Timewarp effect.
Time-stretch a layer from a specific time
In the Timeline or Composition panel, select the layer.
Choose Layer > Time > Time Stretch.
Type a new duration for the layer, or type a Stretch Factor.
To specify the point in time from which the layer will be time-stretched, click one of the Hold In Place options, and then click OK.
Layer In-point Holds the starting time of the layer at its current value and time-stretches the layer by moving its Out point.
Current Frame Holds the layer at the position of the current-time indicator (also the frame displayed in the Composition panel), and time-stretches the layer by moving the In and Out points.
Layer Out-point Holds the ending time of the layer at its current value and time-stretches the layer by moving its In point.
Time-stretch a layer to a specific time
In the Timeline panel, move the current-time indicator to the frame where you want the layer to begin or end.
Display the In and Out columns by choosing Columns > In and Columns > Out from the Timeline panel menu.
Do one of the following:
To stretch the In point to the current time, press Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS) as you click the In time for the layer in the In column.
To stretch the Out point to the current time, press Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS) as you click the Out time for the layer in the Out column.
Time-stretch a layer but not its keyframes
When you time-stretch a layer, the positions of its keyframes stretch with it by default. You can circumvent this behavior by cutting and pasting keyframes.
Make a note of the time at which the first keyframe appears. (Placing a composition marker is a good way to mark the time.)
In the Timeline panel, click the name of one or more layer properties containing the keyframes you want to keep at the same times.
Choose Edit > Cut.
Move or stretch the layer to its new In and Out points.
Move the current-time indicator to the time at which the first keyframe appeared before you cut the keyframes.
Choose Edit > Paste.
This seems to be the most common question with After Effects so here's a tutorial that will show you how to export/render in After Effects.
1. Generally when working in After Effects you'll constantly be setting the work area start/end points (B key / N key) so you can preview only the part of your composition that you're working on. Before you add your composition to the render queue you'll need to reset this (assuming you want to render the whole composition).
2. Place the playhead at the start of your composition. You can drag, but pressing the home key is the easier and more reliable method.
3. Now that the playhead is in the right location press B to set the work area start location. Again, you could drag the bar below the playhead, but using the shortcut keys is easier, more efficient, and more reliable.
4. Now drag the playhead to the end of the composition or press the end key.
5. Press the N key and set your work area end location. Then add the composition to the render queue.
6. The Render Queue tab will appear in the timeline area. I'll be leaving the name of my file and output location alone, but if you want to give your movie a filename to be saved as you would click on the "Comp1.mov" text and it would bring up the "Output Movie To" menu. The menu will also allow you to change the location of where your movie will be saved.
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overcrank slow motion in After Effects

overcrank slow motion in After Effects

overcrank slow motion in After Effects
Speeding up or slowing down an entire layer by the same factor throughout is known as time-stretching. When you time-stretch a layer, the audio and the original frames in the footage (and all keyframes that belong to the layer) are redistributed along the new duration. Use this command only when you want the layer and all layer keyframes to change to the new duration.
If you time-stretch a layer so that the resulting frame rate is very different from the original frame rate, the quality of motion within the layer may suffer. For best results when time-remapping a layer, use the Timewarp effect.
Time-stretch a layer from a specific time
In the Timeline or Composition panel, select the layer.
Choose Layer > Time > Time Stretch.
Type a new duration for the layer, or type a Stretch Factor.
To specify the point in time from which the layer will be time-stretched, click one of the Hold In Place options, and then click OK.
Layer In-point Holds the starting time of the layer at its current value and time-stretches the layer by moving its Out point.
Current Frame Holds the layer at the position of the current-time indicator (also the frame displayed in the Composition panel), and time-stretches the layer by moving the In and Out points.
Layer Out-point Holds the ending time of the layer at its current value and time-stretches the layer by moving its In point.
Time-stretch a layer to a specific time
In the Timeline panel, move the current-time indicator to the frame where you want the layer to begin or end.
Display the In and Out columns by choosing Columns > In and Columns > Out from the Timeline panel menu.
Do one of the following:
To stretch the In point to the current time, press Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS) as you click the In time for the layer in the In column.
To stretch the Out point to the current time, press Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS) as you click the Out time for the layer in the Out column.
Time-stretch a layer but not its keyframes
When you time-stretch a layer, the positions of its keyframes stretch with it by default. You can circumvent this behavior by cutting and pasting keyframes.
Make a note of the time at which the first keyframe appears. (Placing a composition marker is a good way to mark the time.)
In the Timeline panel, click the name of one or more layer properties containing the keyframes you want to keep at the same times.
Choose Edit > Cut.
Move or stretch the layer to its new In and Out points.
Move the current-time indicator to the time at which the first keyframe appeared before you cut the keyframes.
Choose Edit > Paste.
This seems to be the most common question with After Effects so here's a tutorial that will show you how to export/render in After Effects.
1. Generally when working in After Effects you'll constantly be setting the work area start/end points (B key / N key) so you can preview only the part of your composition that you're working on. Before you add your composition to the render queue you'll need to reset this (assuming you want to render the whole composition).
2. Place the playhead at the start of your composition. You can drag, but pressing the home key is the easier and more reliable method.
3. Now that the playhead is in the right location press B to set the work area start location. Again, you could drag the bar below the playhead, but using the shortcut keys is easier, more efficient, and more reliable.
4. Now drag the playhead to the end of the composition or press the end key.
5. Press the N key and set your work area end location. Then add the composition to the render queue.
6. The Render Queue tab will appear in the timeline area. I'll be leaving the name of my file and output location alone, but if you want to give your movie a filename to be saved as you would click on the "Comp1.mov" text and it would bring up the "Output Movie To" menu. The menu will also allow you to change the location of where your movie will be saved.
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Friday, October 19, 2012

After Effects masks, precomps, opacity

After Effects masks, precomps, opacity

One of the questions I'm asked the most is 'why don't I have insert CC effect name here in my copy of After Effects?' To which the short answers are 'because you're using the demo version' or 'because you ripped the software off a torrent site, you thieving shit'.
But something else I get asked from time to time is 'how do I loop a pre-comp in After Effects?' And this one I'm happy to answer. When you consider how many advanced tools there are in AE, it's surprising that there still isn't an obvious way to do this. Maybe in CS6 perhaps?
Alt-Clic on the timeremap stopwatch to enable expressions. Then in the text field, enter Myleniums loopOut("cycle") expression and it will loop your precomp.
BTW, timeremap always goes I frame after the ast frame of your precomp, so you might want to add a keyframe on the last frame before the timeremap last frame, and then delete the last frame.
You can work around the expression solution but it requires more work.
Place your walk cycle into its own composition with matching duration and size. Render it out as a lossless Quicktime file, with alpha channel if necessary.
Re-import the rendered file, and in Interpret Footage set the number of loops required.
Learning the expression method will be more beneficial in the long run, but the solution above may be handy if you need a quick fix.

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